Dealing With Feelings of Guilt After a Successful Fertility Treatment

Fertility treatments often come with a complex mix of emotions. When success is finally achieved, it’s natural to anticipate feelings of joy and relief. However, for many, this success is accompanied by an unexpected companion – guilt. Dealing with guilt after a successful fertility treatment can be a confusing and isolating experience. We aim to […]
What is PGT?

PGT stands for “preimplantation genetic testing.” This is a technology that allows us to genetically test embryos prior to transfer and implantation. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the embryo then divides from one cell to two cells to four cells, etc. until it becomes hundreds of cells! At this stage, the embryo is called […]
Healthy Living Tips for Couples on a Fertility Journey

Healthy living and well-being play a crucial role in your fertility journey. Environmental factors, like smoking, drinking to excess, and a poor diet have been linked with low fertility and may undermine your efforts when trying to conceive (TTC).
September is PCOS Awareness Month

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common hormone disorder that affects 5-10% of all women. It is a leading cause of infertility and one of the most under-diagnosed diseases in the United States. PCOS is characterized by seemingly unrelated symptoms and may include irregular or absent periods, lack of ovulation, weight gain, acne, excessive […]
NY Insurance Laws for IVF Coverage

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common hormone disorder that affects 5-10% of all women. It is a leading cause of infertility and one of the most under-diagnosed diseases in the United States. PCOS is characterized by seemingly unrelated symptoms and may include irregular or absent periods, lack of ovulation, weight gain, acne, excessive […]